PATTON SOBER LIVING - PACKING LISTEach resident has ample closet space (approx. 3 feet wide) and room to store the following items:
- 4-5 changes of socks, underwear, undershirts, polo style shirts, t-shirts, jeans, slacks, or shorts - 2-3 pairs of shoes- athletic for the gym, loafer or dress for church, casual style for everyday use - 2-3 sets of gym clothes - 1-2 business casual outfits for job interviews - Toiletries - razors, shaving cream, soap, deodorant, shampoo, etc. - Cell phone and charger, iPod/iPad, computer, personal electronics - 30-day supply of all prescribed medication (all meds must be approved by staff) - Hangers for clothes - Laundry basket - Hand and bath towels - Sunscreen and swimsuit - State issued ID, social security card, and insurance cards - Optional: Reusable water container and lock for gym locker - Optional: Reading material (Bible, devotionals, recreational reading materials, etc.) The following items are not allowed: - Mouthwash that contains alcohol - Weapons of any kind (including pocket knives) - Inappropriate material |